Saturday, August 31, 2019

Posttraumatic stress disorder

In your opinion, is the government doing enough regarding the diagnosis/treatment of mental illness and PTDS for our returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. (2-3 pages) No, I don’t believe that the U. S. Government is serving the populace in the most diligently way possible. Today which is different from the service people of even my father’s era? In his day back in 1946 WWII had just ended. Though women were on the front lines as nurses they weren’t there as a moving part of the military, flying planes, driving tanks, on board of ships to bearing a weapon. Times are a changing! Poor grammar yes but that was the way that phrase goes. Now today also gays and Lesbians are allowed to be â€Å"Out and proud†! We were always there just now we have a voice and a Right to openly serve. We have always been in the military defending our neighbors. Now like the melting pot that holds all the different variations that can cause mental anguish that allows PTSD to rear its ugly head it seems the variations are un-limited. Now some emotions might be stirred by hatred within the units in the field wielded toward their fellow fighting commandants’. I’d not sure but I would imagine that during Korea and Vietnam women made up maybe only a slight population of the MASH (Mobile Ambulance Surgery Hospital)Bombs bursting around them as well as our poor wounded soldiers can be added to other outward disturbances that can cause PTSD in the Medical Corps. Women who were nurses, in the Civil War, â€Å"Clara Barton†, one of the well known historic nurses that changed for the better care of our battled heroes. Stress is a killer also a side effect of PTSD, suicide. There is a story of two sisters (twins) that both were aboard the sister ship of the Titanic called the Lusitania. The Lusitania was used as a hospital ship in WWI. It carried the wounded, the near death and in some cases the dead. Screams and the smell of the infections haunted one of the sisters to take her life by leaping to her watery death. Her sister’s courage weighed heavy upon the sister who lived till the end of the second trip home from France where the injured boarded. Upon arriving home she resigned and went about her life; unfortunately the sounds of the ship and the pain of her missing sister was I guess you might say the death of her. Her health fell into ruins and her days were marked, she never wed and died before she was 50. According to The US Department of Veterans Affairs (Affairs, 2009), PTSD is defined as â€Å"an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have been through a traumatic event. [ (Affairs, 2009) ]A traumatic event is something horrible or scary that you see or that happens to you. During this event, you think that your life or others' lives are in danger. [ (Affairs, 2009) ]You may feel afraid or feel you have no control over what is happening. [ (Affairs, 2009) ]PTSD from combat is not always acknowledged by the individual suffering from it because of embarrassment, fear of being medically discharged, lack of understanding about what is happening to them, and a variety of other reasons. [ (Affairs, 2009) ]As a person suffers through this disorder without having a proper medical diagnosis or understanding, their life may become very difficult to cope with. [ (Affairs, 2009) ] The exact rate of PTSD in women veterans is unknown. (Iowa, 2007)Studies conducted after the Gulf War concluded that female service members were more likely than their male counterparts to develop PTSD. Iowa, 2007)This is consistent with the 2 to 1 ratio of female to male PTSD sufferers in the general population. (Iowa, 2007) Women are seeking help due to both war trauma and victimization by their peers. (Iowa, 2007) Military sexual trauma is the term used by the VA to refer to a variety of sexual offenses ranging from verbal sexual harassment to assault and rape. (Iowa, 2007) The Veterans Health Care Act of 1992 authorized new and expanded services for women veterans including outreach and counseling services for sexual trauma incurred while serving on active duty. Iowa, 2007) Treatment of PTSD in women who have served in combat is in its infancy. (Iowa, 2007)A treatment intervention known as â€Å"Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE)† is being used by the VA along with a cognitive approach. (Iowa, 2007)PE therapy gradually exposes the client to images of the threatening experience and has the client repeatedly recount his or her traumatic (Iowa, 2007)memories. Presently, 600 therapists are being trained in these approaches for treatment of female veterans with combat trauma. Iowa, 2007) Women’s Veterans Program Managers are now being placed at VA medical centers across the country. (Iowa, 2007)There are also programs for women who are homeless and those who are at risk of becoming homeless. (Iowa, 2007) I think that time will either be for our advantage as a country and a lesson learned allowing us to implement devices that will help our heroes as they make their journey inwardly and outwardly homeward bound. So they can sleep at night without worries of the war and the things that dominated days and nights while defending America. Posttraumatic stress disorder In your opinion, is the government doing enough regarding the diagnosis/treatment of mental illness and PTDS for our returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. (2-3 pages) No, I don’t believe that the U. S. Government is serving the populace in the most diligently way possible. Today which is different from the service people of even my father’s era? In his day back in 1946 WWII had just ended. Though women were on the front lines as nurses they weren’t there as a moving part of the military, flying planes, driving tanks, on board of ships to bearing a weapon. Times are a changing! Poor grammar yes but that was the way that phrase goes. Now today also gays and Lesbians are allowed to be â€Å"Out and proud†! We were always there just now we have a voice and a Right to openly serve. We have always been in the military defending our neighbors. Now like the melting pot that holds all the different variations that can cause mental anguish that allows PTSD to rear its ugly head it seems the variations are un-limited. Now some emotions might be stirred by hatred within the units in the field wielded toward their fellow fighting commandants’. I’d not sure but I would imagine that during Korea and Vietnam women made up maybe only a slight population of the MASH (Mobile Ambulance Surgery Hospital)Bombs bursting around them as well as our poor wounded soldiers can be added to other outward disturbances that can cause PTSD in the Medical Corps. Women who were nurses, in the Civil War, â€Å"Clara Barton†, one of the well known historic nurses that changed for the better care of our battled heroes. Stress is a killer also a side effect of PTSD, suicide. There is a story of two sisters (twins) that both were aboard the sister ship of the Titanic called the Lusitania. The Lusitania was used as a hospital ship in WWI. It carried the wounded, the near death and in some cases the dead. Screams and the smell of the infections haunted one of the sisters to take her life by leaping to her watery death. Her sister’s courage weighed heavy upon the sister who lived till the end of the second trip home from France where the injured boarded. Upon arriving home she resigned and went about her life; unfortunately the sounds of the ship and the pain of her missing sister was I guess you might say the death of her. Her health fell into ruins and her days were marked, she never wed and died before she was 50. According to The US Department of Veterans Affairs (Affairs, 2009), PTSD is defined as â€Å"an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have been through a traumatic event. [ (Affairs, 2009) ]A traumatic event is something horrible or scary that you see or that happens to you. During this event, you think that your life or others' lives are in danger. [ (Affairs, 2009) ]You may feel afraid or feel you have no control over what is happening. [ (Affairs, 2009) ]PTSD from combat is not always acknowledged by the individual suffering from it because of embarrassment, fear of being medically discharged, lack of understanding about what is happening to them, and a variety of other reasons. [ (Affairs, 2009) ]As a person suffers through this disorder without having a proper medical diagnosis or understanding, their life may become very difficult to cope with. [ (Affairs, 2009) ] The exact rate of PTSD in women veterans is unknown. (Iowa, 2007)Studies conducted after the Gulf War concluded that female service members were more likely than their male counterparts to develop PTSD. Iowa, 2007)This is consistent with the 2 to 1 ratio of female to male PTSD sufferers in the general population. (Iowa, 2007) Women are seeking help due to both war trauma and victimization by their peers. (Iowa, 2007) Military sexual trauma is the term used by the VA to refer to a variety of sexual offenses ranging from verbal sexual harassment to assault and rape. (Iowa, 2007) The Veterans Health Care Act of 1992 authorized new and expanded services for women veterans including outreach and counseling services for sexual trauma incurred while serving on active duty. Iowa, 2007) Treatment of PTSD in women who have served in combat is in its infancy. (Iowa, 2007)A treatment intervention known as â€Å"Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE)† is being used by the VA along with a cognitive approach. (Iowa, 2007)PE therapy gradually exposes the client to images of the threatening experience and has the client repeatedly recount his or her traumatic (Iowa, 2007)memories. Presently, 600 therapists are being trained in these approaches for treatment of female veterans with combat trauma. Iowa, 2007) Women’s Veterans Program Managers are now being placed at VA medical centers across the country. (Iowa, 2007)There are also programs for women who are homeless and those who are at risk of becoming homeless. (Iowa, 2007) I think that time will either be for our advantage as a country and a lesson learned allowing us to implement devices that will help our heroes as they make their journey inwardly and outwardly homeward bound. So they can sleep at night without worries of the war and the things that dominated days and nights while defending America.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Discuss the Reasons We Forget, and Give at Least Three Examples of How We May Improve Our Memory.

Memory refers to the processes that are used to store, retain and later retrieve information; these processes are known as encoding, storage and retrieval. However with memory comes the natural phenomenon of forgetting which refers to the inability to regain, recall or recognise information that was, or still is, stored in long-term memory. There are many reasons that we forget information but these can be grouped into four main categories; retrieval failure, interference, failure to store and motivated forgetting (Loftus 1999).Although there are also many strategies that we can use in order to improve our memory. Retrieval failure is one of the most common causes of forgetting and one possible explanation of this is known as the decay theory. This theory gives an explanation of forgetting as a problem of availability – that is, information is lost completely from the memory system through disuse and passing of time which as examined by Hebb in 1949. It is biological processes in the brain which cause the trace decay until eventually the message it carried is lost.This theory has led to further research by scientists to look at how neural circuits change when long-term memory forms and furthermore, how changes such as this could decay over time (Villarreal et al. , 2002). However it has been also been criticised in the sense that we do still recall things we haven’t thought about for a long time such as riding a bike: although we’ve not been renewing the physical memories in the meantime the memory is still there.Also, some professional actors are able to recite lines from productions they were in two years earlier despite having learnt other scripts since (Noice and Noice, 2002b). The interference theory proposes that we forget information due to other items in long-term memory impairing our ability to retrieve it (Postman and Underwood 1973), two types of this are known as proactive and retroactive interference. Proactive interference hap pens when old information blocks disrupt the remembering of related new information.An example of this would be if you changed passwords – you may continue to enter your old password and struggle to remember your new one due to the memory of your old password interfering with your ability to retrieve the new one. Retroactive interface happens when new information blocks or disrupts the retrieval of old information, for example after having your new password for two months if asked to recall your old one you may struggle to remember it. Interference can occur due to the brain taking time to change hort-term memories into long-term memories and some researchers have proposed when new information enters the system it can interfere with the conversion of older information into long-term memories (Wixted 2005). Others have said that once long-term memories are created retroactive and proactive interference happens due to competition among retrieval cues (Anderson and Neely, 1996). When dissimilar memories become related to similar or identical retrieval cues, confusion can result and accessing a cue may call up the wrong memory.In forgetting, failure to store is also known as encoding failure which occurs when information isn’t processed enough in order to reach long-term memory. A well-known experiment asked participants to identify the correct U. S penny out of a group of incorrect pennies (Nickerson and Adams 1979). The coins appearance doesn’t serve significance to many of us meaning we may not notice specific details no matter how often we see them every day, the only details needed to distinguish pennies from other coins are encoded in our long-term memory.We tend to notice information but fail to encode it deeply because we turn our attention to something else. Angelica Bonacci and Brad Bushman (2002) conducted an experiment where they randomly selected three hundred and twenty-eight adults to watch either a sexually explicit, violent or neutral television programme. During each programme there were nine adverts, immediately afterward and again a day later the researchers tested viewers’ memory of the advertisements. On both occasions the viewer that watched the sexually explicit and violent programmes remembered the fewest number of adverts.One factor that could explain this is encoding failure; although all the viewers saw the advertisements participants watching the sexually explicit and violent programmes were preoccupied with thoughts about the content of the shows. Motivated forgetting takes place when people actively work to forget memories, especially of those traumatic or disturbing experiences. There are two basic forms of motivated forgetting: suppression, a conscious form of forgetting and repression, an unconscious form of forgetting.Psychologist Sigmund Freud witnessed many of his patients during therapy to recall long-forgotten traumatic events. He recorded one patient remembering with great s hame that as she stood over her sisters coffin thinking to herself ‘Now my brother-in-law is free to marry me. ’ Freud proposed the idea that this memory was so shocking that the woman repressed it until being rediscovered years later. Repression is used by humans to protect ourselves in a sense by blocking the conscious recall of negative memories.However the concept of repression is debatable due to some evidence supporting and some rejecting the theory (Karon, 2002). Although people often forget unpleasant and traumatic events they also forget nice ones. This point raises the question whether a person not remembering a particular anxiety-arousing experience is due to repression or normal information processing failures (Epstien and Bottoms, 2002). Overall it’s difficult to study scientifically whether repression is the cause of memory loss for negative events that have occurred (Holmes 1990).Amnesia is known to be one of the most significant types of forgettin g. This occurs when someone suffers memory loss due to special conditions such as brain injury, illness or psychological trauma . In his book ‘Human Memory: Theory and Practice’ (1997) Baddeley refers to Amnesia as ‘not an all or nothing condition’ in the sense that amnesiacs can appear to be relatively normal. He speaks of a man called Clive Wearing who, after being stricken with encephalitis causing him to be unconscious for many weeks from an attack, suffered from Amnesia.Although Clive looked healthy his Amnesia was so severe he couldn’t remember more than a few minutes earlier, when his wife left the room on her return he would greet her as if he’d just woken from his coma despite it being months after. Another type of forgetting is Dementia – when impaired memory and other cognitive deficits accompany brain degeneration and interfere with normal functioning. There are many causes of dementia one of which being Alzheimer’s d isease which is a progressive brain disorder most commonly found among people over the age of sixty-five.This disease spreads across temporal lobes to the frontal lobes and other cortical regions and as it progresses working and long-term memory get worse. Although there will be things that we forget in time there are strategies we can use to improve our memory, one of which being through organization and imagery. Ericsson and Polson (1988) researched a man known as JC who was a restaurant waiter that was able to take complicated orders from up to twenty people and remember them perfectly without writing them down. They discovered that JC had created an organizational scheme to help his memory.He would divide customers into four categories (entree, temperature, side dish, dressing) and use another system to encode the orders in each category, for example he encoded dressing by its first letter so the orders of Thousand Island, oil and vinegar, blue cheese and oil and vinegar would b ecome ‘TOBO. ’ Organizing information in a scheme such as this is a useful way of improving memory. Organizing information into hierarchies’ highlights the principle that memory is improved by associations between concepts (Bower et al. 1969). Hierarchies help us understand how individual items are related; as the information is processed from top to bottom each category prompts our memory for the item below it. Due to hierarchies having visual organization, imagery can be used as a supplemental memory code. Chunking is another valuable concept used to enhance memory and is when individual items are grouped together into larger units of meaning making information easier to rehearse, keep active in working memory and transfer into long-term memory.One idea that has been proposed is that information is stored in long-term memory in two forms; verbal codes and visual codes (Allan Paivio 1969). Paivio had a dual coding theory which claimed encoding information using both verbal and visual codes improved memory due to the odds increasing because at least one of the codes is available later to assist recall. However dual coding can be difficult to use with particular types of stimuli, for example constructing a mental image of love is difficult to do due to it being an abstract concept rather than a concrete object (Paivio et al. , 2000).Memory experts have however encouraged the use of imagery in dual-coding information. Method of loci, created by ancient Greeks, acts as a memory aid by associating information with mental images of physical locations distinct to the individual, such as their campus. If using this process the individual would link each location with an item that they were trying to remember such as the components of working memory. In this instance the administration building could be known as the central executive, an art studio (visuospatial sketchpad), the music room (phonological loop) and the newspaper building (episodic buf fer).This concept would take practise however there are many studies which support it showing its validity (Wang and Thomas, 2000). It appears that forgetting tends to happen soon after first learning information; however the time frame and degree of forgetting can vary broadly due to a variety of factors, those of which the assignment has discussed. It is a guarantee that no individuals’ memory can hold each and everything that they learn, however that doesn’t mean that their memory cannot be improved through various experimenters’ strategies thus decreasing the amount forgotten.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Millennials Future Essay

Lets face it the way Americas economy is looking right now the job market is in the dumpster. Millennials are working harder then ever to try and stand out from the rest of their peers so they can land a good job to support them on their own. This is putting millennials in between a rock and a hard place. In these day and age it’s almost required to have a college degree to have any chance of landing a good job to support you on your own. But these degrees come at a price and as the job market is failing and loans are pilling up on are college graduates. This bad economy is crushing the millennial generation and their futures. Millennials also know as generation Y, are people born from 1980s to the 2000s. They’re the first generation to be raised using digital technology, social media, and mass media. People born in this generation are now college students, and college graduates that are struggling in this tough economy. The millennial generation has limitless information at the tip of there fingers. Millennial are â€Å"always connected† with social networks like facebook and twitter they always know what friends are doing. People have said millennials are parent dependent and don’t know what reasonability is, which I think could go either way. Some millennials are very parent dependent but I see others very independent going to school and working without the guidance of parents. Its unfair to generalize millenials as slackers that don’t know how to work for something, it all depend on the person. Previous generations were able to go colleges get a degree and start working and living on their own immediately after graduation. â€Å"Not so long ago, the average American man in his 20s had achieved most of the milestones of adulthood: a high-school diploma, financial independent, marriage and children.† (Hymowitz 477). â€Å"In 1970, just 16 percent of Americans ages 25 to 29 had never been married: today that’s true of an astonishing 55 percent of the age group.† (Hymowitz 477). The way millennials are living there lives are different from other generations most because aren’t thinking about marriage or kids there more focused on there finical future. Millennials could be one of the first generations that will not achieve the same stander  of living that their parents did. Read more: Speech About Millennial Generation During this bad economy I believe the main thing crushing the millennial generation is the education system and student loans. The Institute for College Access & Success says that the average borrower from student loans owes about 27,000 dollars upon graduation. So when millennials graduate they already are in debt 27,000 dollars with interest rates. With the decrease in jobs millennials are graduating with this debt and no way to pay it back. â€Å"Research shows that young people who graduate from college in a dismal economy typically suffer long-term consequences, with effects on their careers and earnings which linger for about 15 years.†(Demirdjian). Some colleges are starting to be run like businesses, which is really destroying America’s education system. For-profit colleges like university of phoenix spend 20 to 25 percent on advertising and 10 to 20 percent on teaching. Which means their spending more money to try and get you to the college then, the service th ey are providing you. These for-profit schools attract millennials because of there flexible class schedule, online classes, and easy enrollment. But the debt load in student loans for for-profit colleges are nearly double the average debt, for-profit schools have graduation debts that about 32,000 dollars with interest rates. For-profit students are only 10% of are student population but they use 25% federal finical aid and they default 47% of student loans in America, which is from Senator Tom Harkin report. â€Å"The report finds that 62.9 percent of students who enrolled in an associate degree program at a for-profit college in the 2008-09 school year left before earning a degree, and that the median student lasted only four months.†(Haynes). They are killing the value of and education and millennials are paying the price. Millennials are going to suffer the worse from the economy. Millennials were told there hold life education was key to succeed and now it’s failing them. After gradation millennials are stuck dragging around these loans for years. Even if the economy does turn around to many millennials are already in debt over their heads. Millennials are going to have to work harder than ever to land good jobs but, I do see millennials succeeding later in their lives when the economy turns around because of the hard work ethic they are learning in there early adulthood years. Works Cited Hayes, Dianne. â€Å"The for-Profit Conundrum.† Diverse Issues in Higher Education 29.14 (2012): 10-1. Ethnic NewsWatch. Web. 7 Nov. 2012. Z, S. Demirdjian. â€Å"The Millennial Generation’s Mindset: Susceptibility to Economic Crisis.† The Business Review, Cambridge 19.2 (2012): 2,I,II. ABI/INFORM Complete. Web. 7 Nov. 2012. Hymowitz, Kay S. â€Å"Where Have the Good Men Gone.† Wall Street Journal (February 19, 2011): 477-81. Print.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Book review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Book review - Essay Example With the little savings of Jurgis, the voyage of the immigrants which include the father of Jurgis Dede Antanas, Teta Elzbieta and her children, and Ona’s cousin Marija Berczynskas came to reality. The family settled in Packingtown, a district of Chicago known for its meatpacking industry. Jurgis has resolved that he would work hard. Soon the family realized that life for immigrants in Packingtown is not easy. They all have to work, including women and children, in the slaughterhouses for twelve hours a day to survive. The family encountered numerous problems such as falling prey to scrupulous real estate agent, corruption, unsanitary working condition, unfair labor practices, and poverty. Jurgis was jailed when he attacked Phil Connor, the boss of Ona, when he learned from Ona that Phil had raped her and threatened to fire her from her job if she will not give in to his sexual demands. After his imprisonment, Jurgis returns to his family, only to be told that they were alread y evicted from their house. The fate of Jurgis and his family was turning very bad and came to its worst turn when Ona dies giving birth to her second child at the age of eighteen. This was followed by the death of their first child who drowned in the muddy street. These series of misfortunes led Jurgis to seek sojourn in the rural part of the country. Jurgis found out that even outside Packingtown, he could not escape poverty. Jurgis returns to Chicago and worked several odd jobs outside of the meatpacking industry such as digging tunnels, being a political hack, and con-man. But his self-worth and sense of personal pride and integrity continue to bother him, thus he drifts in life with no meaning and direction. One night, as Jurgis was seeking for a warm place to stay, he found himself listening to a speech of a charismatic Socialist speaker. The message struck him and he realized that the company of these people advocating socialism gives him the sense of belonging and has given him a purpose in life. From then on, Jurgis attended socialist gatherings and it beckons to him that socialism as well as labor unions are the answer to his and his family’s sufferings and to all the others who have endured what he went through in life. The story ends with a socialist rally that comes after a victorious win in the political arena of the socialist group. The speaker gives remarkable encouragement to his fellow socialist and proclaims â€Å"Chicago will be ours!† Part Two – Context of the Novel The novel was written in 1906, a time when a huge number of immigrants from Europe come to the United States to answer the call inscribed clearly on the famous Statue of Liberty – â€Å"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.† It was written to strongly uphold that socialism was the answer to capitalism and as such was truly polemic in nature. Uston Siclair was successful in presenting the negative impacts of capitalism such as corruption among the capitalists and wage slavery among workers. Sinclair has introduced the â€Å"goodness† of socialism in every turn of event in the story particularly to the immigrants who were unskilled and therefore employers offer low wages for measly jobs. The workers could not demand better wages because there were so many immigrants willing to do the work.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Commercial Overhype Surrounding the Music Industry Article

The Commercial Overhype Surrounding the Music Industry - Article Example Various electronic dance music festivals around the world have managed to draw the attention of other media that has helped propagate the popularity of electronic music. The major festivals attract over a hundred thousand people and create endorsement opportunities for major record labels, distributors, and promoters. This has helped fuel massive investment into this genre, giving it quick commercial success. In the past, music was real and was played by real musical instruments. Such instruments included drums, sticks and pianos that were used to accompany the smooth natural voice. However with the commercialization of music, an artificial sense of superiority has been created. Most of the music played in clubs and everywhere else is not the real music rather it is just the use of electronics to create a certain type of music that is similar to the natural music but sounds superior to the natural music. This kind of creation has made it almost impossible for natural music to make it in the market as it very inferior to the EDM. There is a worry that the future generations will not have the taste of any natural music due to the current trend. EDM is currently receiving much attention in the field of music. Lots of endorsements are given to EDM while few or no events are organized to appreciate the value of natural music and voice. This is making the talent to fade away from the earth. For example, the MTV award is held each year to appreciate the talent that young musicians have. However this is not done based on their voices rather by the beats that they create (Jense 67). Few of the talented musicians and bands remaining in the world have to change with the trend and try to adopt their music and style to sound as the EDM which is much appealing to the audience. For example, the common Kenyan Orutu band had change their music style and start using Pianos and computer generated beats so as to cope with the changing market. This is so since the group was in fear of being extinct yet they had the talent. Few people get to attend the shows of talented bands because their music does not sound as they know it. The bands therefore have to add in a little bit in their music so as to help move the crowd and create something that the people want. In the past, gospel artist sang for God with their natural voice and masses were held with the priests own natural voice. People in the church rarely used any musical instrument to go with their music. However the trend has changed and currently most churches do things differently now. Priest hold their masses and use musical Keyboards to go with their voices while church choirs also use musical beats generated by musical Keyboards and computer accompany their music that they used to do with their natural voices. The Wanted, a very good local rock band started as a normal band and was liked by many due to the unquestioned talent. However with the continuous changes, these bands had to change so as to get acceptance from the consumer of their music’s. Their latest released music was done by computer generated beats and after this, they saw an increase in the number of fans they had by almost 200%. This shows how people are madly in love with EDM as opposed to natural music. It is because of all these that this paper discusses the main questions; The incessant rise of commercially hyped music today poses a threat to other genres in the

Brown v Board of Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Brown v Board of Education - Research Paper Example Thus, public schools could achieve only limited success in integration of white and black students in desegregated schools. A study involving six communities and schools reveals that educators tried to convince the middle class white parents and students for desegregation so as to prevent them from moving out which would make the public schools economically unviable. At the same time, black students were often asked to leave their community schools by offering them bus facilities and such actions resulted in the closure of those black schools. (Wells, Holmes and Revilla). The policy makers tried to bring about color blindness in toto. It was to some extent achieved as stated by the authors â€Å"†¦.when several of the districts and schools we studied had seen a great deal of racial tension and even â€Å"rioting†. By the late 70s, a degree of clam had returned; not talking about race seemed the best way to â€Å"keep the peace† and â€Å"to keep the lid on things † (Wells, Holmes and Revilla 13). Major Claim   A Prejudice and unequal treatment Although schools were desegregated and students of color and whites started attending the same public schools, the administration put the black students in separate class rooms within the same schools. Their needs were often ignored (Wells, Holmes and Revilla). African Americans are over represented in special education The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)3 provides for free public education to students with disabilities. This special education efforts call for initiatives on the part of schools to have appropriate procedures to ensure that a child referred for special education is actually a child with... The paper tells that the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides for free public education to students with disabilities. This special education efforts call for initiatives on the part of schools to have appropriate procedures to ensure that a child referred for special education is actually a child with disability requiring special education. It is often the case that wrong cases of children are referred for special education. It is especially the case with African American students in many districts of the country. This results in a disproportionate representation of group membership for special education. Overrepresentation in special education is said to occur when the membership of a particular group, say African Americans is found to be larger than the percentage of that group in the overall educational system or within a given disability group. Such a variance is a cause for concern (Council For Exceptional Children and Black School Education). It has been contended that disproportionate representation of African American students in special education results due to inadequate/wrong allocation of educational resources, wrongful curriculum and pedagogy, and insufficient teacher preparation. The White privilege and racism is charged with referring disproportionate number of African American students for special education categories such as mental retardation and learning disabilities. Such students once labeled as such tend to show results in achievement gains and come out of special education at rates much higher than those of their counterparts in White students with disabilities.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Reasons for the Nazca Lines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reasons for the Nazca Lines - Essay Example According to them one of the reason for Nazca lines is that they want to point the place where the sun and other celestial bodies rose or set. However upon further analysis on the hypothesis, archeoastronomist Gerald Hawkins and Anthony Aveni conclude that there was insufficient evidence to support an astronomical explanation. In 1985 archeologist Johan Reinhard states that the Nazca people believed that mountain gods protected humans and controlled the weather. These gods also affected water sources and land fertility since they are associated with lakes, rivers and the sea. He presented the theory that the lines and figures can be explained as part of religious practices involving the worship of deities associated with the availability of water and thus the fertility of crops. The lines were interpreted as being primarily used as sacred paths leading to places where these deities could be worshiped and the figures as symbolically representing animals and objects meant to invoke their aid. However, the precise meanings of many of the individual geoglyphs remain unsolved. Another study and the possible reason for the Nazca lines, is that it serve as a landmark for possible source of underground waterways. These lines according to David Johnson shows that the highly geoglyphs part are the part wherein water is abundant. Based on his study the Nazca lines shows where the path of the water goes. By creating a giant, full-scale map they would know exactly where to find their water no matter what area of the desert they were in. The geoglyphs would then be religious figures for the gods or names given for each water source. Eclipsologist Robin Edgar has theorized that the Nazca Lines, particularly the biomorph geoglyphs that depict animals, human figures, birds and "flowers" are almost certainly an ancient response to the so-called "Eye of God" that is manifested in the sky during a total solar eclipse. According to Robin it is the response of the Nazca Indian to God during the total solar eclipse. An unusual series of total solar eclipses over southern Peru coincided with the time period during which the Nazca Lines and geoglyphs were created. The totally eclipsed sun distinctly resembles the pupil and iris of a gigantic eye looking down from the sky thus providing an explanation as to why the Nazca Indians created gigantic geoglyph artworks that are best viewed by an "Eye in the Sky". Another theory that maybe the reason for the creation of the Nazca lines is that a large number of worshipers walked along a preset pattern dedicated to particular holy entity. Based on researches residents of local villages say the Indians conducted rituals on these giant drawings to thank the gods and to ensure that water would continue to flow from the Andes. According to Michael Vaillant, conductors under the form of very slim gold or copper leafs would have been stretched on the ground. These conductors would have been used as antennas to collect the very low frequencies magnetotelluric waves produced in certain seismographic areas, and that occurred a few hours (or days) before the seisms. This hypothesis relies on a controversial theory named as "SES" (Seismic Electric Signals). The Nazca lines would be the traces of the place where these conductors would have been set down, but also of the numerous tests that would have been done and to find "suitable positions" to collect EM field and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Observations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Observations - Assignment Example Describe ALL observed locomotion. The chimps depicts quadrupedalism in which four legs are used while walking on the ground. In addition, there is bipedalism as the hands are used to look for food and eating. Brachiation is also evident as the chimp’s moves from one tree or branch to the other. Describe the behavior and interactions you observe. What do the primates do? Try to identify the sex and adult/juvenile/infant age category of the participants. Do adults behave differently with infants than with juveniles or other adults? How does their sex affect interactions? Note both behaviors and responses to them. The young ones appears aggressive in the group. They play amongst each other. Mostly, they follow the guidance of the male in the group and also tries to seek the attention of the male. Their mothers also carry the young as they move from one place to the other. What forms of locomotion do you observe? (quadrupedalism, bipedalism, brachiation, knuckle-walking...) Under what circumstances are they using the different methods of locomotion? Describe ALL observed locomotions. Describe the behavior and interactions you observe. What do the primates do? Try to identify the sex and adult/juvenile/infant age category of the participants. Do adults behave differently with infants than with juveniles or other adults? How does their sex affect interactions? Note both behaviors and responses to them. ï‚ ·Ã¯â‚¬  Grooming (describe it. Self-grooming, pairs, multiple individuals? Do some get more than they give?) The gorilla are seen grooming in pairs. This is evident as the male groom the female as a way of getting intimate. What forms of locomotion do you observe? (quadrupedalism, bipedalism, brachiation, knuckle-walking...) Under what circumstances are they using the different methods of locomotion? Describe ALL observed locomotion. Describe the behavior and interactions you observe. What do

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Pharmacology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Pharmacology - Essay Example At this point, Mary was prescribed the corticosteroid known commercially as Advair. Initially, she was compliant with the recommended dose of two inhalations daily, but later began to forget. In her most recent clinic visit, this practitioner has diagnosed Mary with bacterial pneumonia following chest x-ray and isolated cultures from sputum samples. Cough was initially dry, but grew productive over the course of 24 hours. Spirometry was performed in which she achieved a forced expiratory volume of 62%. The chest x-ray revealed a flattened diaphragm, following this observation Mary was diagnosed with COPD. To treat her infection, she was given amoxicillin. Joseph (4 years old) was brought in by his parents with a high temperature and productive cough. He had no past medical history or allergies and took no prescription or over-the-counter medications. This was a comparatively difficult assessment based upon the prior experience of the practitioner considering that the questions were more directed at the parents than at the child, a frequent necessity of pediatric medicine. But the same overall structure familiar to the practitioner was maintained. As advised by Dorp (2008) the GP used simple language to communicate with the child to provide reassurance. Before asking questions she played with the child to try and gain trust. It is also advised to have a child friendly atmosphere during these assessments (Dorp 2008); but a dedicated area designed to be child friendly is not feasible at present. Following the consultation and examination, a chest infection was detected, and Paracetamol and Amoxicillin were prescribed. COPD is not contingent upon a single organic condition; impaired airflow into the lungs with subsequent breathing difficulty can result from a selection of pathologies, including chest infections. It is often tested through spirometry (Celli, 2000; CDC, 2011). This condition is a risk for both men and women, and the rates of death can

Friday, August 23, 2019

Film Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Film Evaluation - Essay Example This paper will evaluate this film with a final aim of convincing people who have not yet watched this masterpiece to watch it. If Only is, in reality, a rather energetic small gem. It circulates around the lives to its two main actors: musician Samantha (Jennifer Love Hewitt) and a business man Ian Wyndham (Paul Nicholls) (IMDb 1). The two really love each other, but Samantha always complains that Ian is too much into his career and does not want to spend time with her (IMDb 1). There was this day when they woke up but Samantha was feeling overly dejected, but manage to recover her mood; it was because Ian had forgotten that it was her day of graduation, which she had been repeating to him for over one month now (IMDb 1). The two ended up arguing and having an awful day which pushes them to the verge of a split when Samantha gets involved in a terrible accident and eventually dies. Also, in spite of all the rush and efforts from Ian to save her, Samantha still dies. However, in the end of it all, he wakes up to find that all those events were nothing more than a bad dream and that Samantha was dead asleep b esides him. Ian, realizing how much his girlfriend means to him, decided to cancel all the day’s events to stay at home with his girlfriend, which made Samantha curious as to why the certain change of attitude (IMDb 1). She kept asking him what was wrong but Ian was afraid to answer. What made him more scared was the fact that some of events that had happened in last night’s dream were started to happen today and he was scared that Samantha might end up dead. This pushed his much closer to his girlfriend (IMDb 1). What I loved about the film was the manner in which its sequences were shown. All of them were well synchronized meaning that the viewer cannot be lost even for a split second. The film manages to keep someone hooked to the screen all

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Los Angeles Independent Media Causes Essay Example for Free

Los Angeles Independent Media Causes Essay The Los Angeles Independent Media Center is a website that allows for left wing issues to be reported and shared on the web for all to see. They have over two dozen different categories that people have reported on ranging from animal rights and anti-war to immigration and indigenous rights and issues. Arizona has a proportionally large number of illegal immigrants working in the state just like California. Naturally this was one of the categories that caught my eye. When reading some of the article I came across a story from 2007. It was a march in Los Angeles (LA) in which mostly immigrants participated. They were marching because they wanted to be treated just as fairly as the legal citizens of the United States. They preached that they have been working just as hard to contribute to the economy of this country. There are two sides to any story and this is true in this case as well. On one hand they are doing the jobs that normal Americans do not want to do but others argue that they are here illegally and should not have the same rights as legal Americans. These two sides will be debated for years to come until someone can come up with a reasonable solution that will satisfy both side. The idea of illegal â€Å"under the table† help is too engrained within our society that it would be impossible to eliminate the issue over night. Not only are illegal immigrants fighting for their rights, but in some cases so are Americans. In California Wal-Mart would contract with temporary job agencies to fill jobs working in warehouses. These workers can be exposed to toxic chemicals and extreme heat conditions. They are also sometimes not given the wages that they were promised. Because Wal-Mart uses third party companies to supply the labor they have in the part denied any wrong doing in the situation. Of course in this case there are no unions to represent the workers and them facing the threat of losing their job if they express their dissatisfaction of their working conditions. Some groups are not even worried with the thought of having a job; they just want to protect areas that have existed for hundreds of years. Kuruvungna means: â€Å"A place where we are in the sun† in the Tongva language. For thousands of years the Tongva people lived here in relative peace and harmony with their environment until the European invasion of the Americas. (Sunday, 2012) In 1992 a group of environmentalists was able to secure a piece of land that was located on a public school’s property for the low cost of one dollar a year. This piece of property contained a natural spring that once belonged to the Tongva people before they were forcefully removed. The spring is said to have natural healing powers as well as native fish species, fresh water crayfish, a 200 year old Mexican Cypress tree, oak trees, hummingbird sage and other native grasses. The group is trying to secure another long term lease for the same price. One of the more controversial issues of our times is the use of genetically modified foods for consumption. These foods consist of simple fruits and vegetable to more complex animals like cows and pigs. One major reason behind this is that scientists can modify items to produce more nutrient rich foods for consumption. Scientists can also produce animals that can be modified to produce medicine, organs for transplant, meat or even engineered pets. It seems like a good idea to have enough organs and such to go around so that way no one would have to wait for a transplant and in the long run saving human lives. The biggest debate is to determine whether a human life is more important than that of an animal. This debate has been going on for some time now and will probably keep going on especially since the US Food and Drug Administration has taken steps to allow for the sale of genetically engineered animals. One of the biggest issues we have in America is politicians supporting special interest groups and not the constituents they were elected to represent. The City of Fullerton California was faced with a lawsuit from a construction company after denying the company’s proposal to develop a more suburban sprawl in one of the last bits of natural ecosystems in Orange County. Initially the city council had voted to deny the request from the company. In a strange turn of events, a year later the city voted to settle with the company and approve the proposal. Currently citizens have collected signatures to get a referendum on the next ballot to hopefully overturn the city’s decision. Every year across the country we hear about budget cuts in the education system. Along with the cuts we also hear of colleges increasing tuition to cover basic costs. So the question remains how can a school cut costs because it does not have money yet at the same time raise tuition? People finally had enough and all across the country students were walking out of class in protest and joined their community members in protests at superintendents’ offices, city councils and board meetings to express their concern with all of the cuts that have happened. In recent months teachers have joined the effort, which has become inspiring that they seem to not have a concern for their jobs while they protest. Alas, the protests have had little success as we still see cuts being made and tuition is still being raised semester after semester. America is in the middle of a war and with that comes anti-war protests. Different groups have tried to use different tactics to draw attention to their cause. One group protests on thanksgiving while others have protested on Christmas ask the question: what would Jesus choose? One of the more powerful messages came from a group back in 2009. They staged a mock funeral precession honoring those American and Iraqi people who have died during the war time period. These protests have been so powerful that the president vowed to end the war if he was elected. The baby boomer generation has grown up with the knowledge that if they want their voice heard then they organize a protest or a walk. After a bad statement from a Canadian police officer in 2001, large groups of women took to the streets to get the word out about sexual assaults. The groups organized what they called a â€Å"Slut Walk. It is one of those situations in which they should have thought about how the name of their walk could be portrayed within the community. These walks have occurred throughout the world to include the US, Canada, UK, Australia and several European countries. These walks have had support from several large human rights groups such as Planned Parenthood, CA National Organization for Women and Peace over Violence. There are many different subjects for people to post article on that would spark criminal acts and public disorder. These subjects include Anti-War, Class War, Immigration, Police State, and Racism. These are all catalysts for groups to recruit people who believe in their cause. The best part about the website is that people can post at any time they wish. It also helps that the website has multiple links to other cities, states and foreign countries similar websites. This is crucial because it does not bog down the website with data and provides a worldwide platform for left wing issues and causes.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

I Will Survive Essay Example for Free

I Will Survive Essay Since I was young I was told not to ever judge a book by its cover, up until a few weeks ago I believed this was complete bull but a series of uncanny events insisted on changing my mind. This chain of unforeseeable circumstanced began a few weeks ago where . . . The sounds of keyboards was almost deafening, the constant click blurred into a humming drone which one could debatably compare to the fog horn of a light house warning helpless ships away from there watery grave. I stare a little dazed but unfazed by the bright light of the computer screen, flashing uncountable numbers and words which I’m supposes to make some kind of sense of if I am to continue with this curse most people call being an accountant. I feel some what contained in this shit tip excuse of a cubical, but to be honest the only thing caging me is the confines of my on reality. Closing my eyes I open them to this dark fantasy of a world plagued with zombies which are swiftly breaking down and tearing apart the countries of the world. But then a unexpected hero named Lorry strives to find a cure and against all odds saves the human race from absolute extinction. â€Å"Lawrence order these files and crunch these number by the end of the day or your fired! † Just so where clear my names Lawrence but my friends call my Lorry, okay no one calls me Lorry, I don’t have any friends, or family for that matter. I live alone in this crumby apartment building in room 147. To be fair I get it on good rent but I think that because someone got murdered here. I try to be optimistic about it an say its just a rumour but between you and me the smell of death still lingers. You could say I’m just your usual nerdy 19 year old boy who loves his movies and video games and especially zombies. I mean zombies and I go together like peanut butter and jelly like a hero and his side kick, I love zombies. I often wish for a world in strife due to an out break of zombies where I save the world and get the girl, okay I may have prayed to god once or twice for that. It’s a little funny when you wish for something and at the time it sounds like such a good idea. Lawrence order these files and crunch these number by the end of the day or your fired! † said the floor manager with a high pitch squeal piercing the flow of my train of thought. â€Å"Righteo will do† I said back with a smile as fake as fairy tales. I began to digress as soon as the managers eyes were off my back, surfing websites until something very captivating caught my eye. A breaking news bulletin streaming live showed footage which looked like the street in front of the building, I mean facade looks identical but that wasn’t the most alarming part. Apparently they were reporting an incident about a man who tackled another individual to the ground and started to devour another man living body and I quote â€Å"tearing flesh from bone with nothing but his teeth. † That’s when my semi attractive but still way out of my league co-worker Jazz leaned over, â€Å"ahhh your always looking at zombies you freak. † All though Jazz was a complete mess and frankly a female dog I had an odd some what mercurial attraction to her. I mean I’m not one of those superficial shallow guys . . . Okay I’m tend to take what I can get. As these thoughts raced through my mind at million miles an hour suddenly it hit me â€Å"Zombies! The people on the news their zombies† I nervously said as my voice broke multiple times. â€Å"what? I was joking† Jazz naively replied. â€Å"Are you even watching what I am watching? We have to get out of here! † It was at that moment the sound of shattering glass filled the room followed quickly by melody of foot steps thunderously increasing in speed and sound, mirroring my heart almost beating out of my chest. I watched as this man who looked drunk, uncontrollably sprint towards Jazz, teeth gnashing finger nails gashing at thin air. I could see the blood lust in his eyes. Now it was like time stood still, screams seemed to become silent but my other sense seemed to heighten. I noticed a foul stench so thick in the air you could cut it with a butter knife. Through the chaos and the haze, something deep down with in began to stir. A hero was being born. With out hesitation or mare thought I pulled the pen from my shirt pocket bounded over the desk. I held my pen like a blade an with all my strength I trusted pen into the temple of the crazed man right before Jazz’s eyes.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Effects Of Heavy And Soft Music Psychology Essay

Effects Of Heavy And Soft Music Psychology Essay Music has always had affects on human emotion. Music can make anyone feel anything. However, music might have a hidden effect. This is referring to the human cardiopulmonary system. Heart rate is the amount of times the heart pumps blood in one minute. Blood pressure is how hard the blood is pumped through arteries. This is important because one way to gauge a persons health is to look at heart rate and blood pressure. Higher blood pressure could mean the heart is working harder than it is supposed to or there is a clot somewhere. The frequency and the intensity of the music has been associated with the rise of blood pressure found in the study done by Sakamoto in the The Journal of Sound and Vibration. There are differences in the type of music(loud and soft) that is played and the heart rate of the individual listening to it like metal or screamo(in this experiment however it will be Merzbow, which is just loud noise and Mozart which is relatively melancholy) (Sakamoto 2002). Now t he opposite hypothesis can be made also. That soft music with a steady tempo can lower blood pressure and heart rate. This is found out by listening to classical genre of music, such as Mozart in this experiment. However, we do not know this is the case. At the University of California, San Diego, they proposed that listening to music would reduce post-stress blood pressure elevations(Chafin et al. 2004). So music could have an effect after a person already has or experienced high heart rate or blood pressure. There is a studying at Hiroshima University, that used the same technique used in this experiment. They used both excitative music and sedative music. What they found out is that excitative music raised heart rate and sedative music lowered it, but if it was a favorite genre, then the heart rate will always go down (Iwanaga and Moroki 1999). The hypothesis that the group doing this experiment is that the heart rate and blood pressure will not really change at all in the enviro nment that that experiment is taking place(the lab room). However, my hypothesis is that the louder and the more disorganized the music, the higher the blood pressure and heart rate as showing in Sakamotos experiment with loud music with high intensity peaks(Sakamoto 2002). The softer and more organized the music, heart rates and blood pressure would decrease as shown in the study by Iwanaga and Moroki when they tested sedative music that lowered heart rate(Iwanaga and Moroki 1999). This experiment is relevant to real life due to the fact that medical doctors can be using music as therapy to help lower heart rates and to allow people relax in modern medicine. If there is a way for music to control heart rate and blood pressure, it could be used as a treatment for heart diseases or just trying to bring down a high heart rate and blood pressure during a procedure. Materials and Methods: This experiment did not have very many materials that needed to be used. There was a stop watch(minute, second, millisecond), a blood pressure cuff(sphygmomanometer), speakers, and an ipod with an assortment of music genre(however only two songs were used in this experiment(Merzbow Noise and Mozart)). First off, you would put the pressure cuff onto one of the people in the paired up groups and allow them to settle. After that is done, the music is turned on(first run is soft music(in this case, Mozart)). When 30 seconds elapses, a measurement of the blood pressure and heart rate needs to be taken by pumping the sphygmomanometer up to 150 mm Hg and then stop to allow the pressure to be released for the machine to get a reading. When the sphygmomanometer shows a reading, record the heart rate and blood pressure(systolic over diastolic). And then repeat the entire process again at 90 seconds. After the data is recorded and the ipod is reset, the cuff is put on the other partner and the process is repeated while using the harder music(in this case, Merzbow). The second group however, has a run with hard music for the first two minutes then soft music for the last two minutes. The variables are the music and the order it is played. Also the different heart rates and blood pressure between each person. Three basal readings were taken and they are: HR1: 80, BP1: 146/80, HR2: 84, BP2 143/87, HR3 85, BP3 122/75.(HR- heart rate, BP, blood pressure(systolic/diastolic)) After the other readings are taken, there is a t test taken to see if any of the readings had statistical value using a TI-83 plus graphing calculator that has a simple sample t test program on it. Results: This experiment was to test the effects of music on heart rate and blood pressure. The results that came up after the experiment was over is that despite the type of music played in either order, the values of heart rate and blood pressure went down. During the experiment, the heart rate of most people were high, probably due to the stress of class. However, as the music started playing(either type of music Merzbow or Mozart) the heart rate and blood pressure went down in general. However, there was a more significant drop when the classical music was played. The graphs and the table show averaged data points from the raw data. Group 1 Group 2 Basal Heart Rate 76.85 74.56 Systolic 114.33 111.83 Diastolic 70.47 70.14 T Test Mozart(1st) Merzbow(1st) Heart Rate 0h 0m 30s 66.56 0h 0m 30s 65.92 Noise 0h 1m 30s 69.73 0h 1m 30s 67.17 0h 0m 30s Merzbow(2nd) Mozart(2nd) HR   Ã‚  t = 0.4866 0h 0m 30s 67.27 0h 0m 30s 64.58   Ã‚  df = 20   Ã‚  standard error of difference = 4.857 0h 1m 30s 67.73 0h 1m 30s 65.58 SBP   t = 0.1883 Systolic Mozart(1st) Merzbow(1st)   Ã‚  df = 10 0h 0m 30s 111.89 0h 0m 30s 113.17   Ã‚  standard error of difference = 4.827 0h 1m 30s 108.55 0h 1m 30s 112.42 DBP t = 1.2785 Merzbow(2nd) Mozart(2nd)   Ã‚  df = 10 0h 0m 30s 111.45 0h 0m 30s 113.50   Ã‚  standard error of difference = 3.626 0h 1m 30s 110.73 0h 1m 30s 109.67 Diastolic Mozart(1st) Merzbow(1st) 0h 0m 30s 67.90 0h 0m 30s 69.43 0h 1m 30s 71.27 0h 1m 30s 68.83 Merzbow(2nd) Mozart(2nd) 0h 0m 30s 74.55 0h 0m 30s 69.17 0h 1m 30s 71.00 0h 1m 30s 69.42 On some of the points on the data table(figure 1), especially the averaged heart rates actually got higher ,but only after the heart rate dropped from the base basal ratings. Also in a few of the graphs(mainly figure 5), there had seem to be an increase in the readings, but as stated before this could be due to outliers. According to the T Test that is preformed and showed in figure 1, this is exactly the case. Discussion: This experiment was conducted in order to figure out the effects of music on heart rate and pressure on people. My hypothesis was that the louder, more disorganized music would raise heart rate and blood pressure. The softer, more organized music would lower it. The results of the experiment showed that this is not the case. On the contrary, all of the music seemed to have lowered the blood pressure and the heart rate. But there were some averaged values which showed a little higher blood pressure and heart rates but this can be discredited due to the already high blood pressure and heart rates of some people, and when you average together these outliers with the average group, it will raise the average up. However, there was a more significant decrease of heart rate and blood pressure when the Mozart was playing in general if looking at the raw data. This could have been from the environment and the allowance of being able to relax in a stressful environment despite the music(i.e. b eing able to do nothing in a busy class room). The data showed that there were actually some higher blood pressures and heart rates. Another way to do this is to find people who are already relaxed and to measure their blood pressure and heart rate then. Then play music and see if there is a change when a variety of music is played. But according to Bernardi, Porta and Sleight meditative music can induce a relaxing effect which is actually corresponding to tempo(Bernardi et al. 2010). So if this was the case then the loud music should have the opposite effect as shown by Sakamotos experiment where they tested high intensity peaks in music and how it raised blood pressure due to the intense variation(Sakamoto 2002). There was no change in the data that was recorded. The equipment could have not been calibrated since there is a need to calibrate the electronic machines every once in awhile. Also there needed to be a longer period of time to listen to the music. Two minutes to listen t o a song is not likely to have a very big effect on anyone. The whole song should have been played to really see the effects of music. Lastly there needs to be more participants. Due to the low number of participants, there was not any statistically significant results as result of the t test. After this experiment the following conclusion can be inferred, that music does not have a predominant effect on heart rate and blood pressure and if there had to be a result, then all music would lower heart rate and blood pressure. Work Cited Chafin, Sky, Christenfeld, Nicholas, Gerin, William, Roy, Michael. 2004. Music can facilitate blood pressure recovery from stress. British Journal of Healthy Psychology. 393. Iwanaga, Makoto PhD., Moroki, Youko. 1999. Stbjective and Physiological Responses to Music Stimul Controlled Over Activity and Preference. Journal of Music Therapy XXXVI. 26-38. L. Bernardi, C. Porta, P. Sleight. Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and respiratory changes induced by different types of music in musicians and non-musicians: the importance of silence. September 26th, 2010. Sakamoto, H., Psycho-circulatory Responses caused by Listening to Music, and Exposure to Fluctuation Noise or Steady Noise, The Journal of Sound and Vibration, 5 September, 2002. V 250(1), 23-29. Sokoloski, Erica Smith, Weedman, Donna. 2009. Biology of Organisms 5th Edition. Ohio: Cengage Learning.

Changing the Military with Servant Leadership Essay -- Servant Leaders

There are a number of significant difficulties for today’s military - the Global War on Terrorism or what has recently been termed the â€Å"Long War;† weapon system acquisitions and personnel draw downs. The focus of this paper is on one strategic component of the military quest—Leadership. More specifically, it will center on servant leadership and its impact on the military’s vision. This paper first explores the significance of the leadership change, followed by an examination of three notable characteristics of servant leadership and their historical influence through the eyes of a famous leader. Whether one studies Sun Tzu’s â€Å"The Art of War†, Martin Luther King Jr.’s extraordinary passion for equality, or even Vince Lombardi’s coaching genius, one can easily find models for inspirational leadership and strategies for success. Inspirational leadership conveyed through motivational speakers boosts the passion of its audience because it taps into emotions. So what is it that draws people to a leader? Is it charisma, passion, kindness, or fairness? Is it the ability to cast a vision that the entire organization can understand and support? Next, this paper will look at servant leadership and its comparison to the terms leadership and management. Members of the military all swear an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. Whether they knew it or not, by swearing that oath, they accepted the responsibility to lead our subordinates. Speaking from experience, I worked for many highly qualified managers over the 24 years I spent in the Navy, but only a few life-changing, organization-transforming leaders. Running from meeting to meeting and desperately trying to stay ahe... ...ber 25th, 2010 from Leadership. Webster's revised unabridged dictionary. MICRA, Inc. Retrieved November 25th, 2010 from Management. (2008). Websters Online Dictionary. Retrieved November 25th, 2010 from Responsibility. Webster's revised unabridged dictionary. MICRA, Inc. Retrieved November 25th, 2010 from Spears, L.C., and Lawrence, M. (2002). Focus on leadership: Servant leadership for the twenty-first century. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2010). We were soldiers. Retrieved from The Internet Movie Database on November 25th, 2010 from

Monday, August 19, 2019

How Does Stevenson Intend His Readers to Respond to Dr Jekyll and Mr :: English Literature

How Does Stevenson Intend His Readers to Respond to Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? What Methods Does He Use to Bring About These Responses? Robert Lewis (later changed to ‘Louis’) Stevenson was born in Edinburgh November 13th 1850, into an engineering family. Although he had been plagued with illness all his life, after inheriting tuberculosis from his mother, he enrolled at Edinburgh University to study engineering, to follow in his successful father’s footsteps. However he abandoned that road of studies and swapped to law, where he ‘passed advocate,’ although he had the education to practise law he did not follow that either, because by this time he had realised that he could and would write instead. To expand his horizons he would visit France in the summer to be within the company of other artists, both painters and writers. And his first publication was called ‘Roads,’ which was within a series of publications, all works about travelling. His first truly successful piece was ‘Treasure Island’ released in 1883, which truly launched his career. Later in 1886 he released ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ which was also a huge success, as it was so controversial and faced things that most people were too scared to write about. This controversial behaviour had begun when he was a young man by denying his faith, much to the surprise of his strongly protestant parents, he ended up leading a bohemian life. Stevenson’s experiences through life greatly effected his works, such as in ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ the scene is set in London, yet based a lot on Edinburgh, the luxurious and grand main city, and the dirty, grimy, back street, underground scene as well. He used this to create an effect on the reader, and to create the response that he wanted. Stevenson used themes throughout the book, and there are a large number of them, running the course of it, that influence greatly the response the reader has to ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, and also reflects themes running through society at the time. Some of the most prominent themes being the parable of good versus evil, satanical references and religion that intertwines throughout. ‘If I ever read Satan’s signature upon a face, it on that of your new friend Mr Hyde.’ Mr Utterson says that, oddly, to himself about Mr Hyde after refereeing to Mr Hyde’s unnameable malformations; the use of ‘Satan’ means that although Mr Hyde has nothing especially wrong with him facially or physically, his deformity is in his soul, in his evilness. People sense his dark nature and reflect it in how they view him. This gives

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Negative Portrayal of Native Americans in Children’s Literature Ess

The Negative Portrayal of Native Americans in Children’s Literature The American institution has raised countless generations with misconceptions and lies regarding various foreign cultures. During the 1950’s the educational system in America was given the responsibility of teaching children the horrors and injustices they would suffer if the "evil" communist took over the world. Schools taught students that communist wanted to take away music, apple pie, baseball, and anything else that Americans cherished. Students learned that it was best to believe in the righteous of America. The preceding discussion has much in common with the treatment that Native Americans have received from picture books in America. The American society came to the conclusion hundred of years ago that it was in the best interest of America to misrepresent Native Americans, both in the past and present. The American continents were said to be inhabited with animal-like savages that had no cultural value. Schools have taught that it was the European's duty to civilize the new lands. One of the primary tools that have been used in the education of children is the picture book. Picture books have provided the American institution with a means of teaching our children that the Native Americans were bestial and animalistic, thus enabling us to ignore or justify the atrocities that Europeans and Americans have inflicted on the native societies. Picture books are one of the first mediums of learning that children encounter. The picture book was first created in 1657 by John Amos Comenius. Comenius’s book was entitled Orbis Pictus (The world of Pictures) and was an alphabet book (Martinez 57). Picture books are used to lay the foundations of the histori... ...York. 1969. D'Aulaire, Ingri & Edgar Parin. George Washington. Doubleday, & Co., New York. 1936. Edmonds, Walter D. The Matchlock Gun. Dodd, Mead & Company, New York. 1941. Fritz, Jean. The Good Giants and the Bad Pukwudgies. Putnam, New York. 1982. Goble, Paul. Buffalo Woman. Bradbury Press, New York. 1984. Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane. Arctic Hunter. Holiday House, New York. 1992. Lewis, Richard. All of You was Singing. MacMillan Publishing Co., New York. 1991. Lindgren, Merri V. The Multicolored Mirror: Cultural Substance in Literature for Children and Young Adults. Highsmith Press, Wisconsin. 1991. Maxim, George W. The Very Young: Guiding Children from Infancy through the Early Years. Prentice Hall, Ohio. 1993. Monjo, F. N. Indian Summer. Harper & Row Publishing, New York. 1968. Parish, Peggy. Little Indian. Simon & Schuster, New York. 1968.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Teachers Attitudes Towards Interactive Whiteboards Teaching Tool Education Essay

Current UK governmental policy enterprises, such as Harnessing Technology: Transforming Learning and Children ‘s Servicess recommend that instructors increase their usage of engineering to better pupil academic growing ( Department for Education and Skills, 2005 ; Loveless, 2010 ; P. Smith, Rudd, & A ; Coghlan, 2008 ) . This has lead to increasing synergistic whiteboard ( IWB ) usage in UK primary and secondary schools ( Becta, 2008 ; Department for Education and Skills, 2005 ; Madden, Prupis, Sangiovanni, & A ; Stanek, 2009, p. 15 ; H. J. Smith, Higgins, Wall, & A ; Miller, 2005, p. 91 ) . Using an IWB enriches a schoolroom with images, sound, pre-prepared lessons, and entree to the Internet in multiple modes ( G. Beauchamp & A ; Parkinson, 2005, p. 97 ; Lewin, Somekh, & A ; Steadman, 2008, p. 292 ) . What makes the synergistic whiteboard so potentially utile is that instructors can utilize this engineering from a learning place in the schoolroom instead than sitting at a computing machine ( S. Kennewell, Tanner, Jones, & A ; Beauchamp, 2008, p. 64 ) . IWB ‘s are thought to better pupil motive, engagement, coaction, deepness of acquisition, every bit good as addition pupil-teacher interaction ( G. Beauchamp & A ; Parkinson, 2005, p. 97 ; Gillen, Staarman, Littleton, Mercer, & A ; Twiner, 2007, p. 11 ; S. Kennewell, et al. , 2008, p. 64 ) .Literature ReviewOne manner to believe about engineering in general and synergistic whiteboards specifically is to see the IWB a tool for people to utilize ( Gillen, et al. , 2007, p. 12 ; Lewin, et al. , 2008, p. 293 ; G. Beauc hamp & A ; Parkinson, 2005, p. 101 ; Jonassen, 2006 ; S Kennewell, 2001 p107 ; S. Kennewell, et al. , 2008, p. 65 ; Lewin, et al. , 2008, p. 295 ; Loveless, 2010, p. 9 ; Zevenbergen & A ; Lerman, 2008, p. 124 ) . Harmonizing to research, teacher attitude toward technological tools is the most of import factor in the successful execution of engineering in the school system ( Efe, 2011, p. 229 ; Teo, Wong, & A ; Chai, 2008, p. 128 ; Watson, 2001, p. 259 ) . Research workers have been analyzing this issue from a theory known as the Technology Acceptance Model ( Pynoo et al. , 2010, p. 569 ; Teo, et al. , 2008, p. 129 ) . Basically this theory suggests that people accept engineering based upon the sensed utility and perceived easiness of usage. Most surveies have found that the more utile a individual believes the engineering is ( sensed utility ) , the more likely a individual will try to utilize it ( Pynoo, et al. , 2010, p. 569 ; Teo, et al. , 2008, p. 129 ) . Versatility, shorter readying clip, ability to salvage lessons, better schoolroom direction with improved pupil behavior, improved lesson pacing, more multisensory lessons with multimedia, expanded interactivity throughout lessons, the possible to make more pupils with increased pupil success are all facets of sensed utility ( G. Beauchamp & A ; Parkinson, 2005p. 312 ; Gillen, et al. , 2007, p. 12 ; Gray, Hagger-Vaughan, Pilkington, & A ; Tomkins, 2005, p. 38 ; S. Kennewell, et al. , 2008, p. 62 ; Moss et al. , 2007, p. 6 ; Slay, SiebE† rger, & A ; Hodgkinson-Williams, 2008, p. 1335 ; H. J. Smith, et al. , 2005, p. 92 ; Teo, et al. , 2008, p. 267 ; Wood & A ; Ashfield, 2008, p. 84 ; Zevenbergen & A ; Lerman, 2008, p. 110 ) . Perceived easiness of usage is defined as a instructor ‘s expectancy of troubles connected with utilizing the engineering ( Pynoo, et al. , 2010, p. 569 ; Teo, et al. , 2008, p. 129 ) . Learning and implementing the usage of IWBs takes considerable attempt ( Borghans & A ; Weel, 2006, p. 1 ; Lewin, et al. , 2008, p. 239 ; Miller, Glover, & A ; Averis, 2009, p. 3 ; H. J. Smith, et al. , 2005, p. 98 ) . It is complicated to incorporate this tool into their personal teaching method and lesson planning ( Moss, et al. , 2007, p. 4 ; Slay, et al. , 2008, p. 1332 ) . This requires a important investing of clip non available to most instructors ( Efe, 2011, p. 229 ; Watson, 2001, p. 260 ) . Teachers need unrestricted entree to IWB ‘s in order to get the hang the engineering and go comfy with its usage ( Gray, et al. , 2005, p. 38 ) . Some schools do non hold adequate engineering for this to go on ( Efe, 2011, p. 229 ; Madden, et al. , 2009, p. 25 ; Watson, 2001, p. 257 ; Zevenber gen & A ; Lerman, 2008, p. 110 ) . Synergistic Whiteboards have important possible to alter the manner instructors teach at a really basic degree ( Gray, et al. , 2005, p. 43 ; Higgins, Beauchamp, & A ; Miller, 2007, p. 221 ; Watson, 2001, p. 252 ) . Teachers have the ability to see the full scope of potencies offered by the IWB or they can use this new resource harmonizing to their criterion and usual mode of instruction ( Bateson, 1972 ; G. Beauchamp & A ; Parkinson, 2005, p. 306 ; Gillen, et al. , 2007, p. 12 ; S. Kennewell, et al. , 2008, p. 71 ; Knight, Pennant, & A ; Piggott, 2004, p. 4 ; Miller, et al. , 2009, p. 4 ; Teo, et al. , 2008, p. 265 ; Watzlawick, Weakland, & A ; Fisch, 1974 ; Wood & A ; Ashfield, 2008, p. 86 ; Zevenbergen & A ; Lerman, 2008, p. 109 ) . This can be a considered both an indicant of usefulness and/or a trouble connected to IWBs ( Lewin, et al. , 2008, p. 295 ) . Teacher ‘s beliefs sing teaching method will find their position on this issue ( Gary Beauchamp & A ; Kennewell, 2008, p . 306 ; S. Kennewell, et al. , 2008, p. 65 ; Zevenbergen & A ; Lerman, 2008, p. 124 ) .MethodologyThis research was basic qualitative research that was trying to measure instructor ‘s feelings and attitudes toward the use of Synergistic Whiteboards. Questions were developed harmonizing to the above literature and these constructs. Forty secondary school instructors were asked to make full in respond to a 10 inquiry multiple-choice questionnaire. This questionnaire is attached in Appendix 1. Out of those who answered, five instructors were selected for farther interview. The extra interview inquiries can be found in Appendix 2. A chart of the replies and their dislocation are listed in Appendix 3. This research was conducted with an consciousness of the duty to teacher-respondents harmonizing to the values described in the British Revised Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research Data ( 2004 ) . Questionnaires were distributed and interviews conducted without favoritism against anyone for any ground, demoing regard for single differences. Teachers who participated understood that their engagement was wholly voluntary. They were informed of the nature of this research and the grounds for it. Complete privateness and confidentiality of their engagement and their responses was assured. No personal information was collected. All questionnaires were returned without names or any identifying features. Questionnaires were kept in a unafraid cabinet with no entree except for this research worker. Those involved in this research were non antecedently known by this research worker, nor were there any double relationships with them other than research worker and participant. No misrepr esentation was involved in any facet of this research. Participants were assured that they could reply the inquiries in the questionnaire in full, in portion, or non at all. They could alter their heads about take parting at any clip with no reverberations. No vulnerable people were included in this undertaking. No inducements were offered or given to convert people to take part. Participants were advised that they could talk to this research worker sing their reactions to the inquiries involved if they so desired. This research was conducted in a nonbiased format in order to get at honest consequences. There was no effort to pull strings, turn out or confute an docket. Data was collected, collated and analysed harmonizing to frequence of each response. Because some replies were given in both the interview and questionnaires, the figure of replies to different inquiry varies slightly. As basic research, this type of analysis provides farther waies for extra research.FindingssTeachers who believe that engineering will be utile to them are more likely to do the effort to utilize IWBs. In this research, instructors assert that the primary ground they use an IWB is that it offers a assortment of uses and makes their lessons less nerve-racking as represented in the diagram to the right. For some, the newness of this technique makes their undertaking more interesting. The grounds instructors give for trying to use IWBs include it ‘s assortment of educational utilizations ( 32 % of the instructors ) , decrease of emphasis ( 25 % of the instructors ) , a new attack to learning ( 22 % of the instructors ) , to develop their ICT accomplishments ( 17 % o f the instructors ) and the IWB is their lone available board ( 4 % of the instructors ) . Question # 2, â€Å" do you utilize an synergistic whiteboard as portion of your instructor tool, † was chosen as one method of sing the issue of sensed utility. A tool is utile. Eighty per centum of the instructors who participated viewed the usage of IWBs as one facet of their instructor repertory instead than as somehow distant from them. Most of the instructors involved in this research did believe that an IWB was a tool for them to utilize. Merely 5 % of the instructors did non utilize an IWB as portion of their instructor tool. Technological attitude can be seen to some extent by how frequently a instructor uses an IWB. Thus, inquiry # 4, on mean how many lessons per twenty-four hours do you interact with the whiteboard? Peoples who use their engineering more often are assumed to believe it is utile. In this instance, about tierce of the instructors used their IWB for 1-2 lessons each twenty-four hours and about tierce of the instructors used their IWB for 3-4 lessons per twenty-four hours. This information implies that instructors are utilizing their engineering on a regular footing. Teachers seem to see IWB ‘s as a helpful tool in many countries of instruction. The information split closely with 22 % of instructors admiting their belief that IWBs better planning, 20 % describing their belief that an IWB improves gait, 26 % coverage that they believe IWBs aid develop a better lesson flow and 24 % believe that their administration is helped by the usage of an IWB. Fewer instructors have seen an betterment in pupil behavior. On the other manus, 95 % of the instructors perceive the IWB as utile for bettering pupil comprehension of new constructs. Teachers continue to see value in IWB, with sentiments moderately equally split between believing that this engineering increases pupil motive ( 18 % ) , pupil engagement ( 25 % ) , teacher motive ( 15 % ) , and teacher engagement ( 17 % ) . Research strongly suggests that if a instructor believes that any troubles inherent in engineering are greater than what they perceive as its utility, that instructor will non utilize the engineering. When the IWB is non easy available, instructors are unable to entree it and go familiar plenty with it to go comfy. Therefore, inquiry # 1 was asked to measure IWB entree, a strong issue of sensed easiness of usage. In this research the bulk of respondents answered yes. Educational research workers stressed the doctrine of pedagogical alteration as a consequence of engineering. If instructors are utilizing their IWBs as an interaction instructor tool, they are thought to be trying pedagogical alteration. Are instructors utilizing IWBs from their old teaching method or are they incorporating this new engineering and making new ways of learning? Most of the instructors who answered this inquiry are utilizing their IWB as an synergistic instruction tool. The literature on engineering execution stresses the importance of instructor preparation. Most research emphasizes the deficiency of preparation as a barrier to positive integrating of new engineering. Yet more than half of the instructors take parting have had no formal preparation in the usage of an Interactive Whiteboard. The issue of salvaging lessons can mention to sensed easiness of use. The inquiry efforts to understand how instructors are accommodating to the new engineering. Teachers who do non salvage their work have n't yet realized this clip salvaging value built-in in engineering. These instructors are in the minority. A removable memory stick allows instructors to salvage their lessons but non to portion with one another. This could be another clip salvaging mechanism and an experience that increases teacher engineering accomplishment. The same is true of a personal web country. These instructors are in the bulk. A full two-thirds of the instructors use a memory stick or a personal web country to salvage their work. Merely one-forth of the instructors are salvaging their work to their section ‘s resort bank where instructors could easy portion their work with each other.DiscussionGovernmental policy encourages the increased usage of IWB and other engineering in instruction to better p upil success over clip. The literature reappraisal addressed engineering as a tool to be utilized by instructors harmonizing to the perceived utility and perceived easiness of usage. In the ideal, harmonizing to governmental policies, learning would alter and accommodate with the consequence being greater pupil success. This will merely go on if instructors can see that the utility of IWBs outweighs the troubles involved in using them. A simple study was administered to 40 instructors and interviews were conducted with five more instructors. The instructors believe that using IWBs will better pupil motive, motive, engagement in acquisition, teacher-student interaction and ability to larn new constructs. Most instructors do see the IWB as a tool for them to utilize in their instruction. Teachers are utilizing their IWBs on a moderately regular footing. They view this tool as utile for instructors every bit good as pupils. Teachers believe that IWBs make their occupation easier in footings of lesson planning, pacing lessons, lesson flow, administration, and ability to orchestrate schoolroom interaction. While IWBs are readily available for usage, there is a major job with instructor preparation for their usage. As more than one-half of the instructors in this research undertaking had no formal preparation in the usage of synergistic white boards, it is improbable that the coveted governmental educational alterations could reasonable be expected to happen. Equally long as instructors are being given engineering without the preparation to give them a deepness of understanding, they will reasonably implement this engineering from the pedagogical cognition they have.Decisionâ€Å" Teacher ‘s attitudes and experiences towards the usage of Synergistic Whiteboards ( IWBs ) † as instruction and larning tool was conducted to measure how current secondary school instructors match the research literature. Research workers and governmental policy shapers suggest that IWB ‘s can alter teaching method for the better, bettering pupil attainment. Many articles mentioned the deman d for instructors to accommodate themselves to the technological progresss in order to carry through this alteration. However, research besides carefully explained that if the sensed utility did non outweigh the sensed easiness of usage, instructors would non do the attempt to change their thought and learning behavior. For the most portion, the instructors who participated in this survey are utilizing IWBs on a regular footing. The engineering is available. However, without the designated preparation that allows pedagogues to understand engineering at a deep degree, engineering will merely be funnelled through the bing teaching method. This was illustrated by the simple inquiry about salvaging their work. Few instructors take advantage of the chances to portion work by salvaging on a school-wide waiter. Hopefully, future research will measure what needs to happen for instructors to be given engineering preparation that would let them to utilize the full resources of available engineering.Appendix 1: Questionnaire for instructorsDo you hold an synergistic whiteboard available every bit frequently as you would wish? Yes No Make you utilize an synergistic whiteboard as a instructor tool? ( Please tick merely one ) Yes No Sometimes As portion of your learning how make you utilize the whiteboard? ( Please tick merely one ) As an synergistic board ( You touch it with you pen or finger, write on it, etc ) As a show board ( Just to project work for the projector with no interaction ) Both On mean how many lessons per twenty-four hours do you interact with the synergistic whiteboard? No lessons 1 – 2 lessons 3 – 4 lessons 5 – 6 lessons Have you had formal whiteboard preparation? ( Please tick merely one ) Yes No On a instructor ‘s perceptive which of these characteristics do you believe synergistic whiteboards can better? ( More than one can be ticked ) Planing Pace Flow of lessons Do you believe utilizing an synergistic whiteboard better apprehension of new constructs? ( Please tick merely one ) Yes No Do you believe synergistic whiteboards additions: – ( Please click one or more ) Pupil ‘s motive Pupil ‘s engagement Teacher ‘s motive Teacher ‘s engagement What has encouraged you to utilize an synergistic whiteboard? ( Please click one or more ) A new attack to learning Its assortment of use To develop your ICT accomplishments It is the lone board in the schoolroom Make the lesson less nerve-racking How make you salvage the information created? ( Please click one or more ) Do non salvage work Department ‘s resort bank Removable memory stick Other methods Personal web infiniteAppendix 2: Interview inquiries for instructorsMake you utilize an Synergistic Whiteboard? If so how long have you been utilizing one? What do you utilize the Interactive Whiteboard for? Why? What type of interaction does the Interactive Whiteboard encourage? Why? How has the Interactive Whiteboard improved your instruction and acquisition? Why If you had the pick which medium ( Interactive or kick Whiteboard ) would you utilize as a learning tool? Why? What has been the cardinal influence ( s ) that has encouraged you to utilize the Interactive Whiteboard? What things would forestall you from desiring to utilize the Interactive Whiteboard?Appendix 3: Response Datas1. Make you hold an synergistic whiteboard available to utilize every bit frequently as you would wish? Yes 34 85 % No 6 15 % Entire 40 100 % 2. Make you utilize an synergistic whiteboard as portion of your instructor tool? Yes 32 80 % No 2 5 % Sometimes 6 15 % Entire 40 100 % 3. As portion of your learning how make you utilize the whiteboard? As an synergistic board 28 70 % As a show board 6 15 % Both 6 15 % Entire 40 100 % 4. On mean how many lessons per twenty-four hours do you interact with the whiteboard? No lessons 2 5 % 1-2 lessons 14 35 % 3-4 lessons 14 35 % 5-6 lessons 10 25 % 40 100 % 5. Have you has any formal whiteboard preparation Yes 18 45 % No 22 55 % 40 100 % 6. Think IW can better Planing 10 22 % Pace 9 20 % Flow of lessons 12 26 % Administration 11 24 % Behaviour direction 4 8 % Entire 46 100 % 7. Make you believe utilizing an synergistic whiteboard better apprehension of new constructs? Yes 38 95 % No 2 5 % Entire 40 100 % 8. Make you believe synergistic whiteboards additions Think IW additions Pupil ‘s motive 12 18 % Pupil ‘s engagement 16 25 % Teacher ‘s motive 10 15 % Teacher ‘s engagement 11 17 % Active student engagement 16 25 % Entire 65 100 % 9. What has encouraged you to utilize an synergistic whiteboard? Encourage to utilize IW A new attack to learning 9 22 % Its assortment of use 13 32 % To develop your ICT accomplishments 7 17 % Merely board in the schoolroom 2 4 % Make the lesson less nerve-racking 10 25 % Entire 41 100 % 10. How do you salvage the information created? How make you salvage the information created A new attack to learning 9 22 % Its assortment of use 13 32 % To develop your ICT accomplishments 7 17 % Merely board in the schoolroom 2 4 % Make the lesson less nerve-racking 10 25 % Entire 41 100 %

Friday, August 16, 2019

How to Play Chess

Learn How to Play Chess: The Rules It's never to late to learn how to play chess – the most popular game in the world! If you are totally new to the game or even want to learn all of the rules and strategies, read on! |History of Chess |Special Rules |Chess960 | |Starting a Game |Check & Checkmate |Basic Strategies & Openings | |How the Pieces Move |Draws & Repetition |Getting Better at Chess | pic]Prefer to watch a video? Click here to learn chess with a 15 minute video! [pic] History of Chess The origins of chess are not exactly clear, though most believe it evolved from earlier chess-like games played in India almost two thousand years ago. The game of chess we know today has been around since the 15th century where it became popular in Europe. The Goal of Chess Chess is a game played between two opponents on opposite sides of a board containing 64 squares of alternating colors. Each player has 16 pieces: 1 king, 1 queen, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights, and 8 pawns. The goal of the game is to checkmate the other king. Checkmate happens when the king is in a position to be captured (in check) and cannot escape from capture. At the beginning of the game the chessboard is laid out so that each player has the white (or light) color square in the bottom right-hand side. The chess pieces are then arranged the same way each time. The second row (or rank) is filled with pawns. The rooks go in the corners, then the knights next to them, followed by the bishops, and finally the queen, who always goes on her own matching color (white queen on white, black queen on black), and the king on the remaining square. The player with the white pieces always moves first. Therefore, players generally decide who will get to be white by chance or luck such as flipping a coin or having one player guess the color of the hidden pawn in the other player's hand. White then makes a move, followed by black, then white again, then black and so on until the end of the game. How the Chess Pieces Move Each of the 6 different kinds of pieces moves differently. Pieces cannot move through other pieces (though the knight can jump over other pieces), and can never move onto a square with one of their own pieces. However, they can be moved to take the place of an opponent's piece which is then captured. Pieces are generally moved into positions where they can capture other pieces (by landing on their square and then replacing them), defend their own pieces in case of capture, or control important squares in the game. The King The king is the most important piece, but is one of the weakest. The king can only move one square in any direction – up, down, to the sides, and diagonally. Click on the â€Å">† button in the diagram below to see how the king can move around the board. The king may never move himself into check (where he could be captured). [pic][pic] 8 a b c d e f g 8 h 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 a b c d e f g h 1 pawn  promotion pic][pic][pic][pic] 1. Kd4 Kf6 2. Kd5 Kf5 3. Kd6 Ke4 4. Ke7 Kd4 5. Ke6 Kc5 6. Kf5 Kd5 7. Kf4 Ke6 8. Ke4 [pic] Copy/paste the code below into your webpage or blog html to display this game: [pic] |HELPRESTARTSOLUTION |P|| | |FLIP|SHARE |ANALYZE |PGN | | | | | The Queen The queen is the most powerful piece. If moved she can move in any one straight direction – forward, backward, sideways, or diagonally – as far as possible as long as she does not move through any of her own pieces. And, like with all pieces, if the queen captures an opponent's piece her move is over. Click through the diagram below to see how the queens move. Notice how the white queen captures the black queen and then the black king is forced to move. [pic][pic][pic][pic] 8 a b c d e f g 8 h 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 a b c d e f g h 1 pawn  promotion [pic][pic][pic][pic] 1. Qg4 Qa8 2. Qg7 Qa2 3. Qc7 Qg8 4. Qb6 Qe6+ 5. Qxe6+ Kd8 [pic] Copy/paste the code below into your webpage or blog html to display this game: [pic] |HELPRESTARTSOLUTION |P|| | |FLIP|SHARE |ANALYZE |PGN | | | | | The Rook The rook may move as far as it wants, but only forward, backward, and to the sides. The rooks are particularly powerful pieces when they are protecting each other and working together! pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] 8 a b c d e f g 8 h 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 a b c d e f g h 1 pawn  promotion [pic][pic][pic][pic] 1. Rh7 Rc8 2. Rb6 Rc1+ 3. Kd2 Ra1 4. Rb8# [pic] Copy/paste the code below into your webpage or blog html to display this game: [pic] |HELPRESTARTSOLUTION |P|| | |FLIP|SHARE |ANALYZE |PGN | | | | | The Bishop The bishop may move as far as i t wants, but only diagonally. Each bishop starts on one color (light or dark) and must always stay on that color. Bishops work well together because they cover up each other’s weaknesses. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] 8 a b c d e f g 8 h 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 a b c d e f g h 1 pawn  promotion [pic][pic][pic][pic] 1. Bc4 Be7 2. Bf4 Bd7 3. Bb8 Bg4 4. Bb5+ Kf7 5. Be5 Bh5 6. Bc4+ Kg6 7. Bd3+ Kg5 8. Bh7 [pic] Copy/paste the code below into your webpage or blog html to display this game: [pic] |HELPRESTARTSOLUTION |P|| | |FLIP|SHARE |ANALYZE |PGN | | | | | The Knight Knights move in a very different way from the other pieces – going two squares in one direction, and then one more move at a 90 degree angle, just like the shape of an â€Å"L†. Knights are also the only pieces that can move over other pieces. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] 8 a b c d e f g 8 h 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 a b c d e f g h 1 pawn  promotion [pic][pic][pic][pic] 1. Ne2 Nc6 2. Nd2 Nf6 3. Nf 1 Ne5 4. Kf2 Nh5 5. Ne3 Nf6 6. Nf5 Ne4+ 7. Ke3 Nc5 8. Nc1 Nd7 9. Ng3 [pic] Copy/paste the code below into your webpage or blog html to display this game: [pic] |HELPRESTARTSOLUTION |P|| | |FLIP|SHARE |ANALYZE |PGN | | | | | The Pawn Pawns are unusual because they move and capture in different ways: they move forward, but capture diagonally. Pawns can only move forward one square at a time, except for their very first move where they can move forward two squares. Pawns can only capture one square diagonally in front of them. They can never move or capture backwards. If there is another piece directly in front of a pawn he cannot move past or capture that piece. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] 8 a b c d e f g 8 h 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 a b c d e f g h 1 pawn  promotion [pic][pic][pic][pic] 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 exd5 4. c4 dxc4 5. b3 cxb3 6. axb3 c5 7. dxc5 a5 8. f4 f6 9. g4 g5 10. fxg5 fxg5 11. h4 h6 12. h5 [pic] Copy/paste the code below into your webpage or blog html to display this game: [pic] |HELPRESTARTSOLUTION |P|| | |FLIP|SHARE |ANALYZE |PGN | | | | | Promotion Pawns have another special ability and that is that if a pawn reaches the other side of the board it can become any other chess piece (called promotion). A pawn may be promoted to any piece. [NOTE: A common misconception is that pawns may only be exchanged for a piece that has been captured. That is NOT true. ] A pawn is usually promoted to a queen. Only pawns may be promoted. [pic][pic][pic][pic] 8 a b c d e f g 8 h 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 a b c d e f g h 1 pawn  promotion [pic][pic][pic][pic] 1. a7 f2 2. a8=Q f1=N+ 3. Kd3 [pic] Copy/paste the code below into your webpage or blog html to display this game: [pic] HELPRESTARTSOLUTION |P|| | |FLIP|SHARE |ANALYZE |PGN | | | | | En Passant The last rule about pawns is called â€Å"en passant,† which is French basically means â€Å"in passing†. If a pawn moves out two squares on its first move, and by doing so lands to the side of an opponent’s pawn (effectively jumping past the other pawn’s abili ty to capture it), that other pawn has the option of capturing the first pawn as it passes by. This special move must be done immediately after the first pawn has moved past, otherwise the option to capture it is no longer available. Click through the example below to better understand this odd, but important rule. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] 8 a b c d e f g 8 h 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 a b c d e f g h 1 pawn  promotion [pic][pic][pic][pic] 1. e4 dxe3 2. dxe3 e5 3. fxe6 fxe6 4. g4 g5 5. h3 b5 6. axb6 axb6 [pic] Copy/paste the code below into your webpage or blog html to display this game: [pic] |HELPRESTARTSOLUTION |P|| | |FLIP|SHARE |ANALYZE |PGN | | | | | Castling One other special rule is called castling. This move allows you to do two important things all in one move: get your king to safety (hopefully), and get your rook out of the corner and into the game. On a player’s turn he may move his king two squares over to one side and then move the rook from that side’s corner to right next to the king on the opposite side. (See the example below. ) In order to castle, however, it must meet the following conditions: it must be that king’s very first move it must be that rook’s very first move there cannot be any pieces between the king and rook to move the king may not be in check or pass through check [pic][pic][pic][pic] 8 a b c d e f g 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 a b c d e f g h 1 pawn  promotion [pic][pic][pic][pic] 1. O-O O-O-O [pic] Copy/paste the code below into your webpage or blog html to display this game: [pic] |HELPRESTARTSOLUTION |P|| | |FLIP|SHARE |ANALYZE |PGN | | | | | Notice that when you castle one direction the king is closer to the side of the board. That is called kingside. Castling to the other side, through where the queen sat, is called castling queenside. Regardless of which side, the king always moves only two squares when castling. Check and Checkmate As stated before, the purpose of the game is to checkmate the opponent’s king. This happens when the king is put into check and cannot get out of check. There are only three ways a king can get out of check: move out of the way (though he cannot castle! ), block the check with another piece, or capture the piece threatening the king. If a king cannot escape checkmate then the game is over. Customarily the king is not captured or removed from the board, the game is simply declared over. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] 8 a b c d e f g 8 h 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 a b c d e f g h 1 pawn  promotion [pic][pic][pic][pic] 1. f3 e5 2. g4 Qh4# [pic] Copy/paste the code below into your webpage or blog html to display this game: [pic] |HELPRESTARTSOLUTION |P|| | |FLIP|SHARE |ANALYZE |PGN | | | | | Draws Occasionally chess games do not end with a winner, but with a draw. There are 5 reasons why a chess game may end in a draw: The position reache s a stalemate where it is one player’s turn to move, but his king is NOT in check and yet he does not have another legal move The players may simply agree to a draw and stop playing There are not enough pieces on the board to force a checkmate (example: a king and a bishop vs. a king) A player declares a draw if the same exact position is repeated three times (though not necessarily three times in a row) Fifty consecutive moves have been played where neither player has moved a pawn or captured a piece. Chess960 Chess960 (also called Fischer Random) is a chess variant that follows all of the normal rules of chess, but where the â€Å"opening theory† does not play a large role in the game. The starting position of the pieces is randomly chosen by following only 2 rules: the bishops must be on opposite colors, and there must be one rook on each side of the king. The black and white pieces are in a mirrored position. There are exactly 960 possible starting scenarios that follow these rules (thus the name â€Å"960†). The only odd rule is with castling: the rules are mostly the same (king and rook cannot have moved and cannot castle through check or in check), with the additional rule that the squares between where the king and castled rook will end up must be vacant from all pieces except the king and rook. For more info and examples, click here. Some Tournament Rules Many tournaments follow a set of common, similar rules. These rules do not necessarily apply to play at home or online. Touch-move If a player touches one of their own pieces they must move that piece as long as it is a legal move. If a player touches an opponent’s piece, they must capture that piece. A player who wishes to touch a piece only to adjust it on the board must first announce the intention, usually by saying â€Å"adjust†. Introduction to Clocks and Timers Most tournaments use timers to regulate the time spent on each game, not on each move. Each player gets the same amount of time to use for their entire game and can decide how to spend that time. Once a player makes a move they then touch a button or hit a lever to start the opponent’s clock. If a player runs out of time and the opponent calls the time, then the player who ran out of time loses the game (unless the opponent does not have enough pieces to checkmate, in which case it is a draw). Click here to watch two players quickly playing a timed game of chess! Basic Strategy There are four simple things that every chess player should know: [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] 8 a b c d e f g 8 h 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 a b c d e f g h 1 pawn  promotion [pic][pic][pic][pic] 1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Nc6 4. Nxd5 Nf6 5. Nxc7+ Kd8 6. Nxa8 Ne4 7. f3 Bf5 8. fxe4 Bxe4 [pic] Copy/paste the code below into your webpage or blog html to display this game: [pic] |HELPRESTARTSOLUTION |P|| | |FLIP|SHARE |ANALYZE |PGN | | | | | #1 Protect your king Get your king to the corner of the board where he is usually safer. Don’t put off castling. You should usually castle as quickly as possible. Remember, it doesn’t matter how close you are to checkmating your opponent if your own king is checkmated first! #2 Don’t give pieces away Don’t carelessly lose your pieces! Each piece is valuable and you can’t win a game without pieces to checkmate. There is an easy system that most players use to keep track of the relative value of each chess piece: A pawn is worth 1 A knight is worth 3 A bishop is worth 3 A rook is worth 5 A queen is worth 9 The king is infinitely valuable At the end of the game these points don’t mean anything – it is simply a system you can use to make decisions while playing, helping you know when to capture, exchange, or make other moves. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] 8 a b c d e f g 8 h 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 a b c d e f g h 1 pawn  promotion [pic][pic][pic][pic] 1. e4 a6 2. d4 h5 3. Nf3 Rh6 4. Bxh6 Nxh6 5. Bc4 b6 6. O-O f6 7. Nc3 g6 8. Re1 Bg7 9. Qd3 Bb7 10. Rd1 Qc8 11. e5 Qd8 12. Qxg6+ Kf8 13. exf6 Bxf6 14. Qxh6+ Ke8 15. Qg6+ Kf8 16. Qf7# [pic] Copy/paste the code below into your webpage or blog html to display this game: [pic] |HELPRESTARTSOLUTION |P|| | |FLIP|SHARE |ANALYZE |PGN | | | | | #3 Control the center You should try and control the center of the board with your pieces and pawns. If you control the center, you will have more room to move your pieces and will make it harder for your opponent to find good squares for his pieces. In the example below white makes good moves to control the center while black plays bad moves. #4 Use all of your pieces In the example above white got all of his pieces in the game! Your pieces